Vacuum Therapy
Vacuum therapy is a non-invasive treatment to combat severe cellulite. It is carried out using suction devices that drain the adipose tissue and move the
Vacuum therapy is a non-invasive treatment to combat severe cellulite. It is carried out using suction devices that drain the adipose tissue and move the
La terapia con manta de sauna térmica con función de terapia de rayos infrarrojos, promueve una mejor circulación sanguínea y drenaje linfático para ayudar a
El masaje con pindas se realiza con bolsas cerradas o bolsitas de tela con forma esférica hecha de lino o algodón, llamadas pindas, que se
El ultrasonido se utiliza como tratamiento facial corporal para estimular la producción de colágeno y tensar la piel, eliminando la flacidez. Es un tratamiento de
La terapia con luz infrarroja, también conocida como terapia con láser infrarrojo o radioterapia térmica, es un tratamiento no invasivo. No requiere agujas ni medicamentos
Cavitation is an aesthetic treatment without surgery whose purpose is the elimination of accumulations of localized fat, favoring the reduction of body volume using low
Ultrasound is used as a body facial treatment to stimulate collagen production and tighten the skin, eliminating flaccidity. It is a rejuvenation treatment that takes
Bamboo massage is a technique that incorporates bamboo stalks of varying lengths and diameters to provide deep-tissue work. (The Japanese name for bamboo is take,
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